
Complete plant engineering, optimizing logistics and material flows. Effective project management ensures quality, budget, and timeline.

What we do: Full plant engineering

  • Inbound logistics – How to get the raw materials into the factory?
  • Raw material reception & storage – How to move and store the raw materials in the plant?
  • Raw material preparation – How to process the raw materials and prepare them for production
  • Processing production line – How to deliver added value to the raw materials with the production line?
  • Packaging – How to package the finished products, ready for sale?
  • Finished goods storage – How to efficiently store the finished goods in the warehouse?
  • Outbound logistics – How to get the sold goods out of the plant?

How we do it: Full plant engineering approach

  • Pre-design – High level design of the full process. Basic requirements and concepts
    • Deliverables: High level layout, basis for design, bottleneck calculations, mass balance…
  • Schematic design – Detailed design of the full process.
    • Deliverables: P&ID, equipmentlists, data sheets, flow diagrams, detailed layout, construction 3D model
  • Design development – Finetuning and preparing for construction
    • Deliverables: full piping and electrical design, full construction design
  • As Built – Finalizing all documentation during and after construction
    • Deliverables: updates on all deliverables

What we do:Industrial project management

  • Build the scope – How to gather business requirements and match them with the technical requirements
  • Build the planning – How to align the business plan with the technical needs? How do the individual parts interact?
  • Build the budget – Knowing the planning and the scope, how much will it cost and when are we expecting the costs?
  • Stakeholder, risk, resources, quality and communication management – How keep critical topics on the radar?
  • Procurement – How to combine business needs and engineering needs in a service or product? How to procure at the best conditions? How to make sure we buy what is needed?

How we do it: Industrial project management approach

  • Project management – approached through PMI standardized methods, customized towards each organization and project
    • Deliverables: budget, scope, planning, action list…
  • Procurement & sourcing – Solid combination of engineering & business requirements to provide CAPEX buyers with all needed information. Support in contract negotiations.
    • Deliverables: RFQ, functional description, contract input documents…
  • Contract management and contractor follow-up – Making sure the suppliers and contractors are following the project needs. Up to the final acceptance.
    • Deliverables: FAT/SAT reports, commissioning plan, ramp-up plan