Our clients are convinced of our partnership and expertise. As much as we would like to showcase in broad details what we do for them, we take the privacy and intellectual property of our clients very serious. Without revealing too much, take a look at some of the projects we realized.
Project A
- United States
- Food
- Engineering
- Consultancy
Project B
- Nigeria
- Heavy process industry
- Industries
Project C
- Germany/Belgium
- Chemical industry
- Consultancy
Project D
- Belgium
- Food
- Industries
Project E
- United Kingdom
- Various industries
- Consulting
In this food industry endeavour based in the United States.
PX Consulting’s involvement in this project includes engineering, full plant layout, comprehensive engineering services, consultancy, and interim management in both engineering and project management.
Project B is a heavy process industry project located in Nigeria. PX Consulting’s activities in this project include delivering bespoke production tools tailored to the industry’s specific needs.
This project in the high-tech chemical industry is taking place in Germany and Belgium. PX Consulting provided consultancy services and technical expertise for a niche production process.
This active project in the food industry is based in Belgium. PX Consulting is playing a crucial role in the project by helping deliver a full turnkey production line.
Thanks to a long lasting partnership, PX Consulting is requested to provide expertise in various industrial fields.